This report shows all pending quotes currently in-house. You can also edit the quote or turn it into an order from this list.
- From the Main Menu, select Reports -> Orders -> Fulfillment Quotes.
- Your screen should look similar to this:

- To edit the Quote, or convert it into an Order, click on the
Edit button. This will open the Fulfillment Order Add/Update screen. For further information, see Update Fulfillment Order in the Related Topics section at the bottom of this Help screen.
- To print the Quote, click on the Order Number.
- To sort the report by Order#, Order By, PO# or Quote Date, click on the appropriate column header.
- To create a report for a specific Location (it comes up initially for ALL locations), select a Location from the pull-down box at the top of the report.
- To export the report in Microsoft Excel® format, click Export in the Quick Links section of the footer at the bottom of the page.