Using NolaPro > Payroll > Calculations/Checks
Write Employee Review

Create, review and/or edit employee performance reviews.
  1. From the Main Menu, select Payroll -> New/Edit Employee Review.
  2. Your screen should look similar to this:
  3. To create a new Employee Review, click on the Add Button. Continue to section below titled "Entering/Editing an Employee Review".
  4. To locate an existing Employee Review for editing, enter information in the following categories:
    1. Employee: Select Employee from the pull-down list.
    2. Beginning and Ending Evaluation Dates: Enter Beginning and Ending Evaluation Dates to use a criteria for your search. You can either enter the date manually or click the Calendar button to select the date from a calendar.
    3. To see the list of reviews meeting these criteria, click on the Next button. If more than one review is found, your screen should look similar to this:
    4. If you wish to return to the previous screen, click on the Back button.
    5. Select the Employee Evaluation you wish to edit by clicking on the Employee Name.
Entering/Editing an Employee Review

  1. Your screen should look similar to this (if adding all fields will be empty):
  2. Edit or Enter data in the following categories:
    1. Employee Name: IF ADDING, select an employee name from the pull-down list.
    2. Evaluator Name: Enter the name of the person who conducted the evaluation.
    3. Evaluation Date: Enter the date the evaluation was conducted. You can either enter the date manually or click the Calendar button to select the date from a calendar.
    4. Rating: Select the rating scale (entered in Payroll Setup) from the pull-down list.
    5. Comments: Enter the actual evaluation text explaining the evaluation discussion, concerns, and/or results.
  3. To save your changes, click on the Save button.
  4. To delete this review (only available while editing), click on the Delete button.
  5. To return to the previous screen WITHOUT saving your changes, click on the Back button.
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