Using NolaPro > Reports > Billing
View/Print Statements

View or print statements for a specific sales category, specific customer, all sales categories, or all customers. This statement will display what the customer still owes you and what they have already paid.
  1. From Main Menu select Reports -> Billing -> View/Print Statements. Your screen should look similar to this:
    1. Statement Format: Select the format you want to use from the pull-down list (if you are doing a simple statement, these will not be used). The Sales Categories you defined in Billing Setup are listed here. Statements print in Customer Number order. The All - Group by Sales Category option will group and subtotal the invoices on the statement by Sales Category.
    2. Enter the Customer Name or use the Lookup button to search for the Customer.
    3. Enter the Statement Period Begin Date or use the Calendar button to select a date.
    4. Enter the Statement Period End Date or use the Calendar button to select a date.
    5. Do Not Show Invoices Entered In Last: Enter the number less than which you do not want an invoice sent (for example, you sent the only invoice that customer has 2 days ago, you do not want to send them a statement at this time). Note: if the customer has ANY invoice OLDER than this number of days old, their statement will include ALL pending invoices.
    6. Use Simple Statement: Check this box if you want a statement that shows only outstanding invoices at the time of the statement.
  2. Click the Next button to print the statements in PDF Format.

  3. SAMPLE STATEMENT (All Categories - No Separation Format) in .pdf form:

    SAMPLE STATEMENT (All - Group by Sales Category format) in .pdf form:

    SAMPLE STATEMENT (Simple format) in .pdf form:

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