Using NolaPro > Orders > Service Orders
Edit Internal Work

Edit time entered for internal work (non-order related).
  1. From the Main Menu, select Orders -> Service Orders -> Edit Internal Work.
  2. The screen defaults to a range of dates for the past week. Select a date range for time entries. Click on the VOID checkbox if you want to see deleted entries. Select a particular employee if you want to limit the entries shown to just that worker. Then click on the Show button to view/update the entries.
  3. Your screen will now look similar to this:

  4. You can edit the following categories:
    1. Date: - Edit the date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
    2. Hours: - Edit the hours worked, if needed.
    3. Rate per Hour: - Edit the Rate per Hour, if needed. The Rate per Hour comes from the rates entered in Orders -> Setup Service -> Service Labor Rates for the type of service work on this entry.
    4. Cost Per Hour: - NOTE: The COST comes from the employee pay rate plus FRINGES, or from the subcontractor cost per hour.
    5. Delete: - To delete this entry, place a checkmark in this box.
    6. Notes: - Edit the Notes, if needed.
    7. Internal Notes: - Since you can enter both customer notes and internal notes on the time entry page, you have those same two note entries fields on this edit page.
  5. To save your changes after editing the information, click on the Save button.
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