Using NolaPro > Reports > Payables
Credit Card Purchases

List credit card purchases.
  1. From the Main Menu, select Reports -> Payables -> Credit Card Purchases.
  2. Your screen should look similar to this:
  3. Fill in the following categories to limit the data you want to see:
    1. Credit Card: If you have multiple credit cards you can select a specific card from the drop down list.
    2. Who Purchased: Enter a name to only show purchases made by that person.
    3. Purchased From: Enter a name to only show purchases from that particular person or company.
    4. Purpose Used For: Only show purchases from a specific purpose.
    5. Status: Show purchases with a certain status or show All.
    6. Begin and End Date: Enter a date range to only show purchases made in that period.
  4. Click on the Next button. Your screen should look similar to this depending on how you filtered the list:
  5. To resort the report by any of the columns (except for the On Bill column), simply click on the column header. To view/edit the bill associated with one of the entries, click on the invoice shown under the On Bill column.