Using NolaPro > Tools > Imports

NolaPro-osCommerce Integration Quick Start Guide

The NolaPro-osCommerce Bridge allows you to pass over customer, order and payment info from osCommerce orders into the NolaPro accounting system.

Follow these steps to get your systems set up:

  1. Install NolaPro and complete the initial setup. If you already have NolaPro installed, update to the latest version.

  2. Purchase and activate the osCommerce Tie-In add-on. Go to and search for the keyword osCommerce or look under the category Admin category in the Add-ons section. After you get your activation code go to Tools -> Add-ons and submit your code.

  3. Go to Tools -> osCommerce and enter in default values for osCommerce info coming into NolaPro.

    The Default Location, Price Level, Cost of Goods Sold account and other values will be applied to all orders coming in from your osCommerce site.
    You can fill in the OSCom URL, login info and database info if you want to update your osCommerce inventory levels when you receive products on PO inside NolaPro. If you fill in this info NolaPro will also update the osCommerce order status when you ship an order from inside NolaPro.

  4. Verify that the file nolapro/api/app/config/database.php points to your NolaPro database. Open this file up in a text editor. Make sure the values for 'host', 'login', 'password' and 'database' point to your NolaPro database properly.

  5. Move the folder nolapro/oscom/nolapro inside your osCommerce code (just the folder called nolapro with two files in it). It should go in your catalog directory so it is at the same level as your admin, includes, images, etc. folders.

  6. Open up the file npapi.php from the catalog/nolapro/ folder. At the very top of the page put in values so that your osCommerce site can talk to the NolaPro API. You can get this info by going to Tools -> osCommerce in NolaPro and look in the Available API Accounts section at the bottom of the page. You'll need the User ID, API Key and Company ID along with the URL for your NolaPro site. Be sure to add the /api/rest/ to the end of your NolaPro URL. It should look something like:

  7. Open up the osCommerce file called checkout_process.php. Add in the NolaPro bridge code so that it is in the following position:

// send emails to other people




// +++++ NolaPro +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++


nolapro_save_order($order, $cart, $insert_id, $customer_id, $order_totals, $payment);

// +++++ End NolaPro +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

// load the after_process function from the payment modules



  1. Run through some test orders to make sure the bridge is functioning properly. If you would like to view the inputs and outputs of the API, go to Admin -> Admin Setup -> System Settings and turn on NolaPro API Logging. To view the API Logs go to Tools -> API Log Viewer.

  2. If you would like to link your osCommerce inventory items with inventory items inside NolaPro, create entries for each item in both osCommerce and NolaPro. In the osCommerce Admin section go to Catalog and then click a Category to bring up a list of your items. Click on an item to see a preview of it. Look at the web address for the page. The end should look something like: categories.php?cPath=24&pID=37. The part pID=37 is the osCommerce product ID. Open up the equivalent item in NolaPro by going to Inventory -> Inventory Items -> Edit Item. Towards the bottom of the page enter in the osCommerce product ID from the URL in the box called OSCom Item ID (the number 37 for this example). osCommerce orders going into NolaPro will now draw down your NolaPro inventory.

  3. If you have an osCommerce sales tax that you would like to match up with a sales tax inside NolaPro, you will need to do something similar to the above. In osCommerce go to Locations/Taxes -> Tax Rates. Click on your tax. The URL should look something like: tax_rates.php?page=1&tID=1. The tID=1 is the ID number for your tax. In NolaPro go to Admin -> Setup Receivables -> Sales Taxes. Add or Edit a tax and then put your osCommerce tax ID (1 in this case) in the field labeled OSCom Tax ID. Be sure that the tax rates match in NolaPro and osCommerce. One nice thing about setting up your sales taxes this way is that NolaPro will keep a running total for taxes payable that you can draw back down when you make a tax payment.