Using NolaPro > Payables > Credit Card Bills
Credit Card Charge Types

Enter the types of expenses for which you use your credit cards.
  1. From the Main Menu, select Payables -> Credit Card Bills -> CC Purchase Types.
  2. Your screen should look similar to this:
  3. Click the Add button to create a charge type.
  4. Click on the Edit button to edit an existing charge type.
  5. Whether editing or adding, your screen will look similar to this:
  6. Credit Card Purchase Type Description: Enter a description for the type of purchase this represents.
  7. GL Payables Contra Account: Although you can use your general payables account here, if you want a "holding" type of account that clears out when the actual bill is received, you can create a special type of payables account for tracking the pending credit card charges. Enter the account name (or a partial name) to bring up a drop-down of possible matches.
  8. GL Expense or COGS Account: This will be the expense side of the General Ledger entry. Enter the account name (or a partial name) to bring up a drop-down of possible matches.
  9. If Type is Tax: If the purchase type is TAX, then you can select from the drop-down list for the type of sales tax. This is mostly important for VAT type companies.
  10. To return to the previous screen WITHOUT SAVING your changes, click on the Back button.
  11. Click on the Save button to save the data.
  12. Click on the Delete button to delete this charge type.