Using NolaPro > Admin
My Info

The currently logged on user can update their password, icon choice, etc.

  1. From the Main Menu, select Admin -> My Info .
  2. Your screen should look similar to this:

  • Make any necessary changes to the following information.
    1. User Name: The User ID that the person will use to access NolaPro. This is NOT the person's actual name. You can change this User ID if necessary without deleting and re-adding the original record.
    2. First Name: Person's first name as it will appear on reports and in the dropdown boxes.
    3. Last Name: Person's last name as it will appear on reports and in the dropdown boxes.
    4. E-Mail: The person's complete email address.
    5. US Zip Code or Yahoo Location Code: Enter a valid US Zip Code or International Yahoo Location Code to display local weather on the User's Home Page.
    6. To locate a Location Code, click the link to the website and select your country. A list of locations will be displayed along with the code. For example, Tokyo, Japan's code is JAXX0085.
    7. Temperature Display: Select Celsius or Fahrenheit to match the degree unit of measure for the location selected above.
    8. Password: This is the password the user will enter to access the NolaPro system. This field supports special characters.
    9. (Confirm): If the password is changed, the new password must be entered here to confirm the spelling is correct before updating the record.
    10. Language: Select the Language for this user from the dropdown box.
    11. Icon Group: Different icon sets are available. After saving you must log out and back in for the new icon set to display.
    12. To save your changes, click the Save button.