Using NolaPro > Admin > Setup - Orders
Service Types

Service Types are used when grouping labor onto service orders. All hours of the same TYPE of work and the same rate, will group onto the invoice.

  1. From the Main Menu select Admin -> Setup Orders -> Service Types.
  2. Your screen should look similar to this:
    1. Service Type: To edit an existing service type, select it from the drop-down menu and click Edit.
    2. Click Add to create a new service type.
  3. Whether adding or editing your screen should look similar to the following:
    1. Service Type: Name of the service type.
    2. Sales GL Account: If you want labor charged for this service type to accrue into a special GL account, select that account here. If you do NOT enter a specific GL account, it will try to use the GL account assigned under Admin -> Setup Receivables->General Setup for labor sales. If there is not an account THERE it will use the sales account tied to the customer record.
  4. Click the Save button to save changes.
  5. If editing, click the Delete button to delete the Service Type.
  6. Click the Back button to return to previous screen without saving the changes.