Using NolaPro > Billing > Payment Plans
Post Payment Plans

Post all payment plans (create invoices) that are due through a given date.
  1. From Main Menu select Billing -> Payment Plans -> Post Plans. Your screen should look similar to this:
  2. Specify which groups to post:

    1. Post Plans Due Through: Post any payments due since the last time posted through the date specified here (could create multiple invoices if the time frame encompasses more than one payment period).
    2. Include Which: Select which group to include from the drop-down list.
  3. Click the Next button. Your screen should look similar to the following:

    1. You will see a list of all plans that will post. To NOT post one of the list, uncheck the box in the POST column.
  4. When you have the group to be posted selected correctly, click on the Next button to actually create the invoices. Your screen will change to look similar to this:
    1. You will see a list of created invoices. To print the entire group at once, click on the Print Entire Group of Invoices button.
    2. To print individual invoices, click on the .PDF button on the invoice line you want to print.
  5. Click on the Back button to return to the original Post screen.