WARNING: Do not change the SENSE of what these items are used for!!! It is very easy to get confused and change a name that means expense into one that means sales. If you do this, your entire General Ledger will not work right. So you can change SALES to INCOME for instance, if you prefer to see it named that way, but be VERY careful when changing these names.
This area allows you to update the main General Ledger account type names. There are 14 default Account Types.
- From the Main Menu, select Admin -> Setup - Ledger -> Account Types.
- Your screen should look similar to this:
- Select the type of account from the General Ledger Account Type pull-down list.
- Click the Edit button. Your screen should look similar to this:
- Update the General Ledger Account Type Name in the box.
- To save your changes, click the Save button.
- To return to the previous screen WITHOUT SAVING the changes, click the Back button.